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Avast ye! Another landlubber wordsmith be held captive in Russky waters, just like Evan Gershkovich, arr!


Avast ye scallywags! Me hearties be informin' ye that the dastardly Russian authorities be holdin' Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty editor Alsu Kurmasheva. They accuse the poor soul o' not registerin' as a foreign agent. Blimey! Walk the plank, says I!

In a comical 17th-century pirate dialect, it be reported that a second U.S. journalist has been captured by them Russian scallywags and be kept in captivity. Arrr! This time, it be Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty's Alsu Kurmasheva who be charged with bein' an unregistered foreign agent by them Russian officials. Aye! Jeffrey Gedmin, the acting president of Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty, be claimin' that Alsu be a respected colleague, a devoted wife, and a dedicated mother of two. He be demandin' her release so she can return to her family pronto. Shiver me timbers!
It be said that Kurmasheva be stopped and detained at the Kazan International Airport whilst visitin' Russia for a family emergency on May 20. The Russia authorities be takin' her passport and finin' her later for not registerin' it with the government. Blimey! She be charged with not registerin' as a foreign agent while waitin' for her passport to be returned. Arrr!
Radio Free Europe be a media outlet funded and promoted by the U.S. government. Kurmasheva be the second American journalist this year to be detained by them Russian authorities. Previously, Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich be arrested in the city of Yekaterinburg, becomin' the first U.S. journalist captured by Russia since the Cold War. He be makin' appearances in court to fight his confinement, but so far, he be meetin' no success. The Russian authorities be claimin' that Gershkovich be collectin' classified information about a Russian military-industrial enterprise under the instructions of the Americans. Blimey!
It be a dire situation for these journalists, bein' held against their will in a foreign land. We hope they find a way to escape the clutches of them Russian authorities and return to their homes safe and sound. Arrr!

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