The Booty Report

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From the treacherous sand dunes of a wild desert shindig to the fierce battlegrounds, a brave Israeli matey tells the tale of a gig gone bloody!


Arrr! The villainous scoundrels of Hamas be mercilessly slaying hundreds at the grand Nova Music festival on the seventh day of October! Yet, fear not, for brave Netanel Halevi hath escaped their clutches and now fights for Israel in the reserve forces. Avast, courage be his matey!

Netanel Halevi was enjoying the Tribe of Nova music festival in the southern Israel desert when chaos erupted. Hamas terrorists began shooting bullets and rocket-propelled grenades at the unsuspecting crowd. Halevi and his friends were told to run for their lives. They witnessed parachutes descending from the sky, signaling that they were in a different kind of scenario.

The terrorists carried guns, RPGs, and grenades, inflicting terror upon the partygoers. At least 260 people were murdered during the invasion. Paragliders dropped grenades on attendees, while ground forces shot bullets and rockets at those trying to flee. The festival, which was meant to be a celebration of electronic music and Jewish holidays, turned into a nightmare.

Halevi and his friends managed to escape in their cars, witnessing the aftermath of the first wave of escapees who were attacked by the terrorists. They saw bullet-ridden cars and victims left behind. The second wave had better odds of survival since the terrorists were preoccupied with capturing or killing civilians.

Hamas is holding 199 Israelis hostage, and 13 Americans are unaccounted for. The death toll continues to rise on both sides, with thousands of Palestinians injured. Despite the trauma, Halevi is determined to fight back against the terrorists. He mobilized with his reserve unit within two days of the attack.

Halevi acknowledges that he may suffer from ongoing trauma but believes that the healing process for him is taking action against those who caused such devastation. He no longer wants to run; he wants to fight back.

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