The Booty Report

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Arr! Fugees' Pras claims his matey's lawyer be usin' a blasted A.I. for a sorry excuse for defense!


Arr, Prakazrel Michel, bein' convicted in April o' partakin' in an illegal foreign influence scheme. In a motion for a new trial, he be claimin' his lawyer's closin' argument be nothin' but a "frivolous" piece o' talkin'. Aye, what a scallywag!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to this tale of scallywags and legal folly. 'Twas a time when Prakazrel Michel, a swashbuckler like no other, found himself in the clutches of the law for an illegal foreign influence scheme. In the month of April, the court declared him guilty, and he did hang his hopes on a motion for a new trial.

Now, in this motion, our brave pirate be claimin' that his lawyer's closing argument was nothin' but a load of frivolity. Aye, ye heard it right! He be doubting the wit and charm of his legal advisor, arguin' that the final words spoken in his defense were naught but a jest.

Picture the scene, me hearties! A courtroom filled with judges and jurymen, and there stands Michel's lawyer, a witty scallywag himself. With a twinkle in his eye and a tongue as sharp as a cutlass, he spun his closing argument, hoping to sway the minds of those present. But alas, Michel be not amused!

He claims that his lawyer's words were frivolous, fickle, and downright foolish. Methinks he may have preferred a more serious approach, but alas, the lawyer's tongue be quick as a whip, and his words be drenched in jest.

Oh, the irony of it all! A pirate, accused of mischief and trickery, be complainin' about a lawyer's jestful words. One would think that Michel, being a cunning rascal himself, would appreciate the art of humor in a court of law. Yet, here we be, witnessin' a pirate's scorn for his own advocate, arguin' that his fate be decided by a jest.

But fear not, me hearties! This tale be not over yet. The courts be mulling over this motion for a new trial, and we shall soon see if a pirate's distaste for frivolity be enough to sway the tides of justice. Until then, let us raise a tankard to the absurdity of it all and hope that Michel findeth his redemption, whether in the serious words of the law or in the jestful banter of a clever lawyer. Yo ho ho!

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