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Avast ye! Greta Thunberg be postin' 'bout 'free Palestine', but with a wee bit o' pushback, she be takin' it down. Says she be completely unaware, me hearties!


Avast ye mateys! Greta Thunberg, a fair lass of 20 summers, be a Swede sailin' the high seas to spread the word 'bout climate change. She be sharin' her support for the landlubbin' Palestinians in Gaza on the social media known as "X". Arrr, a noble cause indeed!

In a humorous 17th-century pirate language, we can summarize the events surrounding climate activist Greta Thunberg's pro-Palestinian post. Arr, me hearties! Thar be trouble on the high seas of social media! Greta Thunberg, the 20-year-old Swedish activist, be postin' a photo of herself and three other activists, holdin' signs that say "Free Palestine" and "This Jew Stands With Palestine." But alas, she be facin' some backlash, and so she quickly deleted the post, like a pirate fleein' from a shark-infested sea.

But why, ye may ask? Well, it turns out that thar be a blue octopus in the photo, sittin' on one of the activists' legs. And some scallywags be claimin' that this octopus be a symbol of antisemitism! Poor Greta! She be sayin' she had no idea and that the toy be a communication tool for autistic people. She be apologizin' and explainin' that she be against all forms of discrimination, includin' antisemitism, which be non-negotiable to her. So she deleted the post and set sail for calmer waters.

But this be not the end of her adventures! Earlier in the week, Greta be arrested in London durin' an energy protest. She be joinin' 25 other protesters outside a hotel where an oil and gas conference be happenin'. Avast! She be charged with a public order offense but released on bail.

Greta Thunberg be a well-known figure in the fight against climate change, and in 2019, she be named TIME's "Person of the Year." But she be no stranger to run-ins with the law, as she has been detained or removed from protests in Sweden, Norway, and Germany.

Meanwhile, in Gaza, more than 1 million Palestinians be displaced as Israel be fightin' against the terror group Hamas. It be a troubled time indeed!

So there ye have it, me hearties! Greta Thunberg be postin', deletin', and sailin' through stormy seas of controversy. Arr!

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