The Booty Report

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Arr! ESG be a mighty weapon against rotund bellies, bringin' weight loss to even the heaviest scallywags!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! I be tellin' ye, the goodly data from the real world be provin' that the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty be safe and bringeth forth great weight loss for even them hefty souls with class III obesity. Avast, this be Medscape Medical News!

"Avast, ye landlubbers! Listen up, for I have news to share from the world of medicine! Yarrr, it be said that this newfangled procedure called 'endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty' be mighty safe and effective in helpin' folks lose weight, even those with what they call 'class III obesity.' Aye, that's a lot o' weight, mateys! But fear not, for this procedure be showin' promise in helpin' these hearty souls shed that extra cargo from their bellies."

Arr, these findings come from the scurvy dogs at Medscape Medical News, who be reportin' on real-world data. They be sayin' that this endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty be a fine way to tackle obesity, as it be showin' significant and sustained weight loss. Arr, that be music to me ears, me hearties!

Now, ye might be wonderin' what in Davy Jones' locker this procedure be. Well, let me tell ye! Instead o' cuttin' open a belly like a treasure chest, they be usin' fancy tools and a thin tube called an endoscope to make the stomach smaller. They be makin' it look like a sleeve, they do! Aye, just like the sleeves on a pirate's coat.

But don't ye worry, me mateys! Despite this bein' a newfangled procedure, it be provin' its worth. The data be showin' that it be safe and effective, leadin' to weight loss that be lastin' long after the procedure be done. Aye, that be good news for all ye scallywags out there strugglin' with weighin' anchor!

So, me hearties, if ye find yerself battlin' the mighty obesity monster, fear not! This endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty be holdin' promise for ye. It be a safe voyage to a lighter self, leadin' to significant and sustained weight loss. Aye, it be a ray of hope in a sea of doubloons. Now, go forth and conquer, me fellow pirates of the weight loss seas!"

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