The Booty Report

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Arr, a scurvy dog from Baldur's Gate 3 be wastin' hours protectin' them cowardly NPCs, only to be stabbed in the back at the end!


"I be doin' this for Barcus," they be mutterin', whilst gettin' their sorry derriere handed to 'em by the prisoners they just rescued. Arr, seems like Barcus owes 'em a grog or two fer this misadventure!"

In the jargon of a 17th-century pirate, with a touch of humor, the phrase "I'm doing this for Barcus," is often uttered by a crew member who finds themselves in a rather ironic situation. Picture this: a fearless group of pirates successfully rescues a group of prisoners from a treacherous enemy ship. However, instead of basking in their triumph, the pirates find themselves in a rather comical predicament.

As they engage in an intense battle with the enemy, these pirates confidently declare, "I'm doing this for Barcus," referring to their legendary captain who is renowned for his exceptional skills and daring escapades. Yet, despite their bravado, the pirates soon discover that their actions have actually backfired. Rather than overpowering the prisoners they just saved, they find themselves struggling to defend themselves.

Amidst the chaos of the fight, the pirates exchange bewildered glances. They can't help but chuckle at the irony of their situation. It's as if the prisoners have somehow transformed into fierce warriors, turning the tide of the battle against their supposed saviors. The pirates, who had initially felt invincible, now find themselves on the receiving end of a rather humiliating defeat.

With their butts being handed to them by the very people they had intended to rescue, the pirates utter the phrase "I'm doing this for Barcus" repeatedly, perhaps as a reminder of their misplaced confidence. It becomes a lighthearted catchphrase among the crew, a way to laugh at themselves and acknowledge the unexpected turn of events.

Despite the setback, these pirates remain undeterred. They are quick to learn from their humorous defeat, adapting their strategies and honing their skills. And who knows, maybe one day they will truly live up to the legend of Barcus, emerging victorious and regaling future generations with tales of their triumphs, all while using the phrase "I'm doing this for Barcus" as a reminder of the valuable lessons they learned along the way.

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