The Booty Report

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Arrr! Lasses be castin' their votes at a Vatican gatherin' fer the first time, me hearty!


Arr, a bunch o' lassies partakin' in a conference on delicate church matters be sayin' they be feelin' cheered by the talk happenin', yet knowin' that change may still be crawlin' like a snail.

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have a tale to spin ye all. Picture this, me mateys: a gathering of fine ladies, arguin' and discussin' matters of the church, arrr! They be sayin' that while change be as slow as a snail on a tortoise's back, they feel heartened by the very discussions takin' place. Aye, ye heard it right!

These fine pirate women be talkin' about sensitive issues, ones that make the sharks in the sea blush, arrr! But they be strong, me lads, and they be pushin' for change, even if it's slower than a three-legged turtle climbin' a mountain. They be sayin' that the very fact these discussions be happenin' fills them with hope for a brighter future, one with a fairer and more open-minded church.

Now, don't ye be thinkin' they be walkin' on smooth waters, for nay, me hearties! They be facin' challenges, just like any pirate would. Some of the menfolk be givin' them doubloons of doubt, sayin' that change be not for them to decide. But these fierce pirate women, they be standin' tall, swords in hand, ready to fight for what they believe in.

So, me lads, let us raise a tankard of grog to these brave ladies, for they be sailin' in stormy seas, facin' doubters and naysayers, but still feelin' heartened by the mere act of discussin' these sensitive church matters. Change may be as slow as a snail's crawl, but as long as they be fightin' for it, there be hope on the horizon, arrr!

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