The Booty Report

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Enticed by treasures from the coffers of the Federal, Canadian cities doth pondereth their zoning laws!


Arrr! Avast ye, me hearties! The grand Canadian cities be swashbucklin' and openin' up their zoning maps to add fourplexes, all for a bit o' treasure from the federal ship, t'build more scurvy housing!

Arr, me mateys! Listen up ye landlubbers, for I have some tales to share from the shores of Canada. It seems that the big cities of our northern neighbors be openin' up their development zones to allow fourplexes, all in exchange for some shiny federal funds to build housin'! Aye, that be some interestin' news indeed.

Now, ye may wonder what in Davy Jones' locker be a fourplex. Well, me hearties, it be a fancy word for a buildin' with four separate dwellings in it. Think of it as four teeny tiny houses all squished together. And these major Canadian cities be sayin' that they be willin' to change their rules and regulations, bringin' this new type of housin' into the mix.

But why, ye ask? Why be they doin' this? The answer be simple, me buckos – federal funds! The Canadian government be offerin' up some of their treasure to help build more homes. And these cities be seein' it as an opportunity to increase their housin' options and, of course, collect some of that sweet, sweet money.

Now, I can't help but chuckle at the thought of these city officials discussin' these matters in their fancy meetings. Picture them, all dressed in their finest attire, tryin' to sound all important as they discuss the merits of fourplexes. Arr, 'tis a sight to behold!

So, there ye have it, me hearties. The major Canadian cities be embracin' the fourplex life in hopes of buildin' more homes and fillin' their treasure chests with federal funds. 'Tis a strange world we be livin' in, indeed. But hey, if it means more places for us pirates to rest our weary heads, then who am I to complain?

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