The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scurvy dogs who played last year's finest Zelda-like be still strugglin' to unravel its secrets. But alas, the maker ne'er thought they'd be diggin' so deep!


Arrr, 'twas swifter than our reckonin'!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and lend yer ears to this tale of adventure on the high seas. Picture this: a fine ship, with its sails billowing in the wind, navigating through treacherous waters. A crew of scurvy dogs, bearded and fearsome, manned the vessel with a swagger and a smirk. But little did they know what lies ahead, for this be no ordinary journey.

"Aye, lads," Captain Blackbeard bellowed, stroking his mighty beard, "we set sail with the wind at our backs, ready to plunder and pillage. But lo and behold, our ship, the Jolly Rotten Apple, sailed faster than a mermaid in heat!"

Arr, ye should have seen the look on the crew's faces! Eyes as wide as doubloons, mouths agape like barnacle-covered oysters. We thought we'd be leisurely swiggin' rum and singing shanties, but that ship had a mind of its own. It was like tryin' to tame a wild kraken!

"Avast, me hearties!" I shouted, holdin' on to the mast for dear life. "This be no ordinary vessel. It's possessed by the ghost of Black Bart himself!"

The ship sped through the waves like a seagull with a bow and arrow. We tried everything, from tickling its rudder to feedin' it barrels of fish, but nothin' worked. That cursed ship was determined to have a race with the wind!

"Batten down the hatches!" Captain Blackbeard ordered, his voice quakin' like a parrot on a hot griddle. "We're in for a wild ride, me hearties."

And a wild ride it was, indeed! The Jolly Rotten Apple flew across the ocean, leavin' a trail of foam in its wake. The crew held on for dear life, cursin' and prayin' to every deity they could remember. We sailed faster than a cannonball, faster than a rogue seagull stealin' yer fish, faster than a pirate runnin' from the hangman's noose!

"Yeah, it was a little faster than we thought," I muttered, clutchin' my lucky charm. But, by Davy Jones' locker, it was a tale to tell for ages. The day the Jolly Rotten Apple became the fastest ship on the seven seas!

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