The Booty Report

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Arrr! Behold, me hearties! The FC 24 Triple Threat guide be stocked wit' shiny new cards featurin' Toure, Grealish, and Ginola!


Avast ye! I be tellin' ye that Kimpembe and King, they be makin' it onto th' FC 24 Triple Threat cards list, me hearties! Arrr, what a grand achievement!

Arrr, me mateys! Gather 'round and listen up, for there be some news from the high seas of football. The FC 24 Triple Threat cards list be out, and two lads by the names of Kimpembe and King have made their way onto it. Now, ye might be wonderin' who these scallywags be, so let me give ye the grand tale.

First, we have young Kimpembe, a stout defender hailing from the land of France. This lad be as tough as an old barnacle and as quick as a mermaid's wink. He bein' praised for his skills of stoppin' attackers dead in their tracks, leavin' 'em stranded like a shipwrecked sailor. Aye, Kimpembe be a force to be reckoned with, and it be no surprise to see him on this list.

Now, on to our second matey, King. This lad be a striker from the isle of England, and he be a real firecracker on the field. He be scorin' goals left and right, sendin' defenders flyin' like a cannonball through the air. King be fast as the wind and as deadly as a shark's bite. He be makin' goalkeepers tremble in their boots, and his name be known across the seven seas.

So there ye have it, me hearties! Kimpembe and King be the new additions to the FC 24 Triple Threat cards list. Whether ye be a fan of scallywag defenders or goal-scoring pirates, these lads be worth keepin' an eye on. They be bringin' their skills and talents to the grand stage of football, entertainin' us all with their dashing plays and mesmerizin' skills. So raise yer mugs of rum and give a cheer for Kimpembe and King, the newest members of the Triple Threat crew!

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