"Arr! Fear not, me hearties! Even them scurvy dogs who abandon ship can still find treasure in life's seas!"
Arr! A word from 36 states, aye, across the grand U.S. of A! A merry tale it tells, that lasses be graduatin' high school more than the lads. Many a reason be given for such a spectacle, me hearties!
In the language of a 17th century pirate, it be widely known that lasses be more swift and adaptable to learnin' and the struggles of youth than lads be. The lasses be more focused and take school and their futures more seriously, especially when they be in their teenage years. While both lads and lasses be offered the same opportunities, classes, and activities in public schools, the lasses be more likely to graduate on time and seek higher learnin'. "The lasses be a bit more advanced than the lads," says Richard Davis, an eighth grade teacher. National data on graduation rates be hard to find, but research from state Departments of Education shows that in 2021, the lasses be more likely to graduate. However, the pandemic may have affected graduation dates for both genders. In New York City, there be accusations of manipulatin' graduation rates by lowerin' standards for passin' classes. Students who be failin' were bein' pushed through without meetin' the original standards. Attendance be a key indicator of a student's likelihood of droppin' out. Trade schools be more popular among lads, as they offer trainin' for specific occupations that don't require a high school education. The reasons why lads be postponin' graduation or droppin' out altogether be unknown, but some speculate it be due to low self-efficacy and lack of support. The values and support provided by parents be crucial in a student's academic success. Finances be another obstacle, as some parents can't afford to send their children to college. On the other hand, some parents force their children to start workin' before they even think about graduatin'. High school dropouts can still be successful, as Liv Nadine, a small business owner, can attest.