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Avast ye! The scurvy dog Hamas took an Israeli peace mate, ended 'is life, and now they be found!


Arrr, mateys! News be sailin' in from the high seas! Vivian Silver, a bold and courageous lass of 74 summers, a peacekeeper from Israel and captain of Women Wage Peace, be found! Five weeks gone since she was snatched by those scurvy knaves of Hamas, may they rot in Davy Jones' locker!

In a surprising turn of events, the identity of an Israeli peace activist who was believed to be kidnapped by Hamas terrorists has been revealed. The remains of Vivian Silver, a 74-year-old leader of Women Wage Peace, were identified by forensic examiners. It has been confirmed that she was killed during the October 7 massacres in southern Israel.
According to a post on the Women Wage Peace page, Silver had sent a message early in the morning on October 7, stating that terrorists had infiltrated the kibbutz and entered her home. The post mentioned that she had hidden behind a cupboard door and had not been heard from since then. The organization believed she had most likely been abducted by Hamas terrorists and taken into Gaza.
Silver, who had been involved in transporting ailing Gazans from the border checkpoint to Israeli hospitals for many years, was known for her work as a peace activist in various organizations. Her abduction and subsequent death have shocked the community.
The Israeli Defense Forces have released a video that shows evidence of Hamas weapons and tunnels linking to hospital basements, further highlighting the ongoing threat posed by the terrorist organization.
Both the United States and Israel are uncertain about the number of hostages that are still alive and held by Hamas. The situation remains tense, and efforts to secure the release of any remaining hostages continue.

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