The Booty Report

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Arrr! 'Tis said the scurvy dog, once a scholar of numbers, now a fearsome gang captain, be sleepin' with the fishes in Port-au-Prince!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Tidings tell us that Iskar Andrice, a fearsome scoundrel and mighty captain of a band o' rogues in Port-au-Prince, hath shuffled off this mortal coil. Methinks Haiti be plagued with a tempest o' gang violence unlike any seen afore!

In a humorous tone, it has been reported that Iskar Andrice, a powerful and feared gang leader in Haiti, met his demise in the Belekou community within the Cite Soleil slum. It is worth noting that Andrice also goes by the name Iscar Andris, just to keep things interesting. This event has raised concerns that the already rampant gang violence in the area could get even worse in the absence of Andrice's control.

Former mayor Esaïe Beauchard lamented the fact that Andrice, who was once a math and physics teacher, had to resort to a life of gang activity. Beauchard described him as a very intelligent man, which makes one wonder why he didn't use his talents for more noble pursuits. However, it seems that Andrice's intelligence was channeled into leading a gang involved in a range of criminal activities, including murder, robbery, extortion, rape, and even the hijacking of goods and trucks. Talk about being a jack of all trades!

Andrice eventually joined forces with the renowned gang leader Jimmy Chérizier, also known as Barbecue, forming the "G9 Family and Allies" alliance, which became the biggest and most powerful gang group in Haiti. In fact, Chérizier even had to get Andrice's approval before granting media interviews. These gang leaders were not only accused of targeting civilians in deadly raids but also paralyzed operations at a fuel terminal, causing chaos in the country.

It seems that Andrice, like other gang leaders, tried to improve his public image by creating a social foundation called the Siloé Foundation. This foundation aimed to win over the community he controlled and present Andrice in a positive light. However, his actions and those of other gang leaders were heavily criticized by human rights organizations in Haiti.

Overall, the death of Iskar Andrice has left a void in the gang-controlled slum, with concerns that violence may escalate further. It remains to be seen what impact this will have on the already troubled region.

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