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Arrr, IDF be givin' wee babes' beds to a hospital o'er the mighty Hamas headquarters, as they be claimin'!


Arr matey! The scurvy IDF be kindly offerin' to transport them incubators from Israel to Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, claimin' 'tis a noble "humanitarian effort" durin' their battle with those pesky scallywags, Hamas.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has launched a "humanitarian effort" to transfer incubators from a hospital in Israel to Al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip, where the IDF claims Hamas has placed its headquarters. The IDF emphasizes its commitment to distinguishing between civilians and Hamas terrorists. It is willing to work with any reliable mediating party to facilitate the transfer of the incubators.

Israel's primary target in northern Gaza is the alleged Hamas headquarters beneath Al-Shifa Hospital, a claim denied by the terrorist group. The IDF has surrounded the facility, which is filled with patients, medical staff, and displaced people struggling with limited supplies and no electricity to run crucial equipment.

The IDF released audio of a phone call between a senior officer from the Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration and the hospital's director. The officer offers assistance, including an incubator placed at the hospital's gate, if the children and patients are evacuated. The director agrees that this would be helpful.

The Hamas-run Palestinian Ministry of Health reports that 40 patients, including three babies, have died since the hospital's emergency generator ran out of fuel. The ministry denies allegations that Hamas militants prevented staff from accessing fuel, stating that it was too dangerous for staff to venture out.

The World Health Organization spokesperson highlights the need for electricity to make Israel's offer of incubators effective. The Health Ministry proposes evacuating the hospital with the supervision of the International Committee of the Red Cross and transferring patients to hospitals in Egypt but has received no response. The ministry plans to bury 120 bodies in a mass grave within the hospital due to challenges in safely transporting them to cemeteries.

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