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Arrr, ye scurvy dogs of Paris be ponderin' a raise in the cursed SUV parkin' fee! The mayor be on a mighty quest to crack down on these landlubber cars!


Arrr, me hearties! On Paris' Feb. 4 ballot, ye shall find a mighty "significant" increase in the parking fee fer them grand SUV ships! The left-leaning Mayor Anne Hidalgo be seekin' to crack down on them gas-powered vessels. Avast ye, SUV owners, yer wallets be takin' a mighty blow!

The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, is posing a question to voters ahead of the Olympic Games next year: Does Paris have too many SUVs? Hidalgo is known for her efforts to make the city more pedestrian-friendly and environmentally conscious, and she hopes that this referendum will convey a message to automakers to stop producing larger, more polluting vehicles.
On February 4, voters will decide on whether to implement a significant increase in parking fees for SUVs visiting the city. The exact amount of the fee and the specific vehicles it would apply to have not been specified. However, it would not affect Parisians with parking permits.
City Hall has acknowledged that while their policies have reduced the overall number of cars in Paris, the size of the vehicles has increased. This has led some car owners to complain that the referendum unfairly targets SUVs.
Pedestrian advocacy group 60 Million Pedestrians has cautiously welcomed the idea, while rivals have accused Hidalgo of using the referendum to improve her environmental image after a controversial city-funded trip to Tahiti in French Polynesia.
Parisians recently voted to ban shared electric scooters due to concerns about accidents and road nuisance. Additionally, navigating the city by car during the Olympics will be challenging due to extra security measures and restrictions in place. The opening ceremony alone is expected to draw half a million spectators along the Seine River.
Overall, Hidalgo's referendum aims to address the issue of SUVs in Paris and encourage a shift towards more sustainable transportation options. The results of this vote will undoubtedly have implications for the city's future policies on car usage.

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