The Booty Report

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Arr, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be tweakin' the tale, but fear not, it won't stray too far from Advent Children!


Arr, avast ye scurvy dogs! We be not seekin' t'alter the yarn o' Final Fantasy 7 into somethin' vastly divergent, lest we be walkin' the plank!

Avast ye mateys! Listen up, me hearties, for I have some news to share! Gather round, ye landlubbers, and lend an ear to this tale. Aye, we be sailin' the seas of Final Fantasy 7, but fear not, for we ain't aimin' to alter its very core, arr!

Now, let me assure ye, me fellow scallywags, we be no scurvy dogs lookin' to swap the story we all hold dear. Nay, we be chartin' a different course, seekin' to enhance the journey ye be takin' in this legendary adventure. Think o' it as addin' a dash o' rum to yer grog, makin' it more potent but still familiar.

Picture this, me hearty crew: the same characters ye know and love, but now speakin' in the whimsical manner of a 17th century pirate! Can ye imagine Cloud Strife utterin' phrases like "Avast, Sephiroth! Ye scoundrel, prepare to meet yer doom!"? Aye, it be a sight to behold, a barrel o' laughs awaitin' ye at every turn.

But fret not, me shipmates, for we be keepin' the heart o' the tale intact. The battles, the drama, the triumphs, they all remain true to form. We be addin' a sprinkle o' pirate lingo here and a jolly jest there, all in the name o' makin' ye chuckle as ye sail through the story once more.

So, me fellow adventurers, brace yerselves for a grand voyage like no other. We be settin' sail on the high seas of humor and silliness, yet never strayin' too far from the essence of Final Fantasy 7. Aye, prepare to embark on a swashbucklin' journey that'll have ye grinnin' from ear to ear, as ye rediscover a classic tale in the language of a scurvy pirate!

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