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Arrr! The Maldives be swearin' in a matey, pro-Beijing captain, who be promisin' to toss out those pesky Indian troops!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The grand poobah of the Maldivian land, Mohamed Muizzu, aye, a jolly supporter of the Chinese, be takin' the helm on Friday. This lad be followin' Ibrahim Solih, swearin' to rule with a strong hand and claimin' his right to the Indian seas!

Mohamed Muizzu, the newly elected president of the Maldives, has pledged to remove any foreign military presence from the archipelago. Known for his pro-China stance, Muizzu campaigned on a promise to evict Indian military personnel and balance trade, which he believes heavily favored India under his predecessor, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. He emphasized the need to clearly define lines of independence and sovereignty and stressed that the Maldives has the right to set limits on foreign involvement. Despite his stance on military presence, Muizzu assured that he intends to maintain friendly relationships with countries both near and far.
Muizzu's surprise victory in the September presidential election was seen as a referendum on whether China or India should have greater influence in the Indian Ocean archipelago. The exact number of Indian troops in the Maldives is undisclosed, leading to suspicion and rumors. However, it is known that the Indian military operates two donated helicopters and assists in sea rescues.
Previously, Solih was expected to win the election easily, but his main rival, Abdulla Yameen, was unable to run due to a corruption conviction. Muizzu was then chosen as a fallback candidate by his party. Following his swearing-in, Muizzu's running mate, Hussain Mohamed Latheef, also took office as vice president.

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