The Booty Report

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Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Be ye wonderin' why be this College Board pushin' to broaden the horizons o' Advanced Placement?


Arrr! This year, ye bilge rats o' taxpayers coughed up at least $90 million doubloons to the scurvy dogs at thar nonprofit, all fer them A.P. tests that be makin' many lads and lasses walk the plank!

Arr, mateys! 'Tis a tale of taxation and education that befit the pirate's tongue. In the year of our Lord, taxpayers did generously part with their doubloons, to the sum of at least $90 million, for the nonprofit organization known as A.P. tests. But here be the twist, me hearties, for many a student did find themselves floundering and failing these very tests!

Avast ye, ye landlubbers! 'Tis a scandal of grand proportions! The plundering of taxpayer treasure for tests that be not passed be a grievous matter indeed. A.P. tests, those treacherous beasts, did take the hard-earned booty from ye olde coffers without providing the desired outcomes. Methinks 'tis akin to a pirate promising hidden treasure but delivering naught but an empty chest!

But fear not, me swashbuckling comrades, for there be humor to be found in this tale of woe. Picture, if ye will, a scurvy dog of a pirate demanding his share of the loot, only to discover that the chest be empty! Arr, the look of disappointment on his face would surely be priceless! 'Tis a situation that be so absurd, it would make even the saltiest of seadogs chuckle.

Let us raise a tankard of grog to the irony of it all! The taxpayers, unknowing victims of this grand heist, did unwittingly contribute to the coffers of the A.P. tests, only to see their investments dashed upon the rocky shores of failure. Aye, 'tis a lesson for us all, me hearties. Beware the promises of treasure untold, for sometimes the reality be far less shiny than the doubloons we part with.

So, me maties, let us gather 'round and share a hearty laugh at the expense of A.P. tests and the taxpayers. Mayhaps next time, the loot be used more wisely, or better yet, returned to the hands from whence it came. Until then, let the tale of the failed A.P. tests serve as a reminder to all that even pirates can be fooled by false promises.

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