The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis a sorry tale! A grand school-turned-shelter be struck, claimin' lives of 24 souls, says the UN.


Arr! 'Tis a fair number o' 7,000 souls takin' refuge in th' school, as per the United Nations. Aye, another school were hit jus' afore Friday, blow me down!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, mateys, let me spin ye a tale of the sea! Arr, ye won't believe the troubles plaguing these landlubbers! Gather 'round as I weave this yarn with a humorous twirl, in less than 300 words, so pay attention, or ye'll be walkin' the plank, ye scallywags!

Seven thousand souls, me hearties, sought refuge at this grand establishment o' learnin', or so the United Nations claims! Aye, ye heard it right! They call it a school, but it be more like a shipwrecked vessel lost in a storm! What a sight it must be, with the poor souls huddled together, not knowin' which way the wind be blowin'.

But that be not all, ye scurvy dogs! Another school, just like it, was smacked by misfortune on the day of Fri-yarrr! Imagine ye bein' a scholar tryin' to learn your ABCs when a calamity strikes! Shiver me timbers, that ain't no way to spend yer schoolin' days!

Now, let me paint ye a picture, me mateys. These landlubbers, with their fancy education, huddled together like a pack o' lost souls. Pirates would laugh at such a sight, as it be no proper way to sail the high seas! Ye see, when we pirates gather, we do it on a sturdy vessel, not some decrepit schoolhouse. We share grog, sing sea shanties, and make merry, not tremble in fear, wonderin' if the next storm be our last!

So, as ye go about yer day, me hearties, remember this tale from the 17th century. Count yer blessings, for ye may have a cozy home, a sturdy ship, or a fine tavern to call yer own. And the next time ye complain about yer daily troubles, think of those poor souls seekin' refuge in a school. It be a strange world we live in, me hearties, so let's be grateful for the treasures we possess and keep sailin' with a smile on our faces!

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