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Avast ye! Netanyahu's war council quells mutiny o'er sending fuel to Gaza scallywags sans a hostage bargain. Arr!


Arrr, mateys! The Israeli Cap'n Benjamin Netanyahu be grantin' two trucks o' precious fuel to the land o' Gaza, with no ransom in sight, makin' the far right scallywags raise a mighty ruckus!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing opposition from far-right members of his government over his decision to send fuel into Gaza without securing the release of hostages held by Hamas. Despite pressure from President Biden and the West, Netanyahu agreed to send two trucks of fuel per day into Gaza to prevent a collapse of the sewer system and further humanitarian crises. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich criticized this decision, arguing that the war cabinet should be expanded to include all seven parties in the coalition government. Without daily fuel deliveries, the sewer system in Gaza could break down, leading to the spread of infectious diseases. On the other hand, Minister Itamar Ben Gvir argued that giving fuel to the enemy broadcasts weakness and allows Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar to manipulate Israeli society. At the onset of the conflict, Israel stopped fuel deliveries to Gaza over concerns that it could power Hamas's network of tunnels. Thousands of family members and supporters of the hostages held in Gaza marched in Jerusalem, urging the government to take action. Netanyahu promised to meet with representatives of the families and stated that when they have something to say, they will inform them. The march followed a five-day trek from Tel Aviv and was the largest protest for the hostages since they were captured by Hamas. Israel declared war in response, and Hamas reported over 11,500 Palestinian casualties, while about 1,200 people were killed in Israel during the surprise Hamas assault. The war cabinet is considering a Qatari-brokered deal to release women and children hostages, but Netanyahu denied that a deal had been struck.

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