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Arrr! 14 lads be sent to Davy Jones' locker when a cursed goldmine gave way in Suriname!


Arrr, 14 scallywags be gone to Davy Jones' locker, while seven others be lost at sea, as a cursed goldmine befallen in southern Suriname!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, avast ye scallywags! There be sad news from the faraway land of Suriname, mateys. An illegal gold mine done collapsed, causing the death of 14 poor souls, with seven others still missing. Arrr, tis be considered the worst mining mishap in the history of this South American country.

The rescue crews be scouring through the heaps of dirt and rubble, hoping to find any survivors. Meanwhile, the government be launching an investigation into this calamity that happened in the remote southern region. The President himself, Chandrikapersad Santokhi, spoke on the telly, expressing his shock and offering condolences to the families of the deceased.

Now, this here incident occurred in an area where a precious gold vein had been discovered in the past. Naturally, it attracted a swarm of illegal miners, the scoundrels. But it turns out, there be legal gold mining happening nearby. Zijin Mining, the company behind it, had been in talks with the government just a few hours before this disaster struck. They be trying to find a way to deal with these dastardly illegal miners, but it seems their efforts were in vain.

To make matters worse, this ain't the first time trouble has brewed in these parts. The Maroons, descendants of slaves, have been clashing with the company's security guards over the right to mine in these lands. They be claiming it be their rightful territory. In the year 2019, they even had the audacity to set fire to the company's equipment after one of their own was shot dead. Blimey!

And there be more rogues in this tale. Unknown third parties have been sneaking into the area to mine illegally, and we don't even know where these poor victims be from. Suriname has been grappling with this illegal mining business for years, with over 15,000 people toiling away in this small-scale mining sector. And it ain't just the locals, mateys, but also Brazilians and even those recent arrivals, the Chinese.

But fear not, me hearties! The President be vowing to take a stricter approach to regulating this gold sector to prevent such tragedies in the future. Let's hope these measures bring an end to the plundering and keep these scallywags safe and sound. Arrr!

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