The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Joss Ackland, a swashbuckling actor who graced the stage and silver screen, hath passed away at 95.


Arr, he be a scurvy knave in “Lethal Weapon 2,” a swashbucklin' C.S. Lewis on the telly in “Shadowlands” and a rollickin' Falstaff upon the grand stage in “Henry IV” — and even made a brief appearance in a fine Pet Shop Boys video, ye scallywags!

Avast, me hearties! Gather round and listen to the tales of a scoundrel who sailed the seven seas and plundered his way through the entertainment world. This salty dog, known by many names, brought his nefarious charm to the silver screen, the stage, and even made an appearance in a swashbuckling music video.

Ye may remember this rapscallion as a black-hearted villain in the film “Lethal Weapon 2,” where he brought mayhem and mischief to the screen with his cunning ways and dastardly deeds. But his talents knew no bounds, me mateys, for he also graced the small screen in the guise of the legendary C.S. Lewis in “Shadowlands.” Aye, he did justice to the great author's words, bringin' them to life in a way that made ye laugh and shed a tear.

This scurvy dog's versatility didn't stop there, me hearties! He took to the stage and embodied the roguish character of Falstaff in Shakespeare's “Henry IV.” With his larger-than-life presence and a twinkle in his eye, he had the audience in stitches, deliverin' lines that were as sharp as his cutlass.

But what truly sets this scallywag apart is his cameo in a Pet Shop Boys video! Aye, ye heard it right, lads and lasses. This pirate of the entertainment world made his mark in the music industry, swaying and swaggering alongside the famous duo in a manner that made ye wonder if he had a secret stash of grog hidden away.

So, me hearties, raise yer tankards and give a cheer for this rascal of a performer who brought joy to our hearts with his wicked charm. Whether he be a villain or a jester, a poet or a pirate, this scallywag left his mark on the world of entertainment. Farewell to thee, ye jolly rogue!

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