The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Last of Us 2 be revealin' three cursed 'Lost Levels' - and by the mighty Kraken, one be sendin' chills down yer spine!


Avast ye! Nay the foul-smellin' gutters, curse me barnacles! Nay again, I say!

"Avast ye, mateys! 'Tis a tale of great woe and wretchedness I be sharin' with ye today. Picture this, if ye will - a scallywag like meself, a sailor of the seven seas, not in the midst of battle or plunderin' a ship, but knee-deep in filth and muck. 'Twas not the open seas I found meself on, but in the putrid depths of the sewers, yet again!"

Arrr, 'tis a cursed fate, I tell ye! Ye see, me hearties, it be not the first time I've found meself in such a predicament. 'Tis as if the sewers be callin' out to me, beckonin' me with their foul stench and murky waters - a siren's call, if ye will. Nay, 'tis a call I be wishin' to ignore, but fate has other plans for this ol' pirate.

Now, ye may be wonderin' how a swashbuckler like meself be landin' in such a sorry state not once, but multiple times. 'Tis a question I ponder meself, me mateys. Perhaps 'tis me luck, or lack thereof, that be leadin' me down this wretched path. Or mayhap 'tis the work of some mischievous sea god, playin' a cruel trick on this humble pirate.

But fear not, me hearties, for even in the darkest of sewers, there be a glimmer of hope. A pirate's spirit be a resilient one, and I be determined to rise above this wretchedness. I'll don me boots and trudge through the muck, for a pirate never gives up without a fight!

So, me fellow adventurers, let me be a warnin' to ye all - beware the call of the sewers! 'Tis a fate ye would not wish upon even yer worst enemy. And if by some unfortunate twist of fate ye find yerself waist-deep in foulness, remember this ol' pirate's words: "Not the sewers, not again!"

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