The Booty Report

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France be mockin' an English lubber's 'Napoleon'. Blimey, they be needin' a taste o' true pirate power! Arrr!


Arrr, them French critics be sharin' their scurvy thoughts on Ridley Scott's new tale! They be callin' it lazy, pointless, dull, head-poundin', too short, and not worth a single doubloon. And that be just the beginnin', me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen ye well to the scuttlebutt about Ridley Scott's latest swashbuckling flick. Them French critics, a bunch o' landlubbers, be havin' a right ol' go at it. They be claimin' it's lazy, pointless, and borin', with more headaches than a cannonball to the skull. And that be just the tip o' the cutlass!

Now, these scurvy dogs say it be too short, but I reckon that be like complainin' that a treasure chest be not filled with enough doubloons. A good story be not measured by its length, but by the adventure it takes ye on. And let me tell ye, mates, this film be a proper adventure!

But the Frenchies don't stop there. They be cryin' foul, claimin' that the tale be historically inaccurate. Well, I say to them, what be a little inaccuracy when ye be sailin' the high seas with a crew o' scalawags and scoundrels? This be no history lesson, it be a rip-roarin' tale of bravery and derring-do!

Now, ye may be wonderin', why be I defendin' this film like a pirate guardin' his treasure? 'Tis because I've seen it meself, me hearties, and let me tell ye, it be a jolly good time. The action be fast and furious, the jokes be as sharp as a cutlass, and the performances be fit for a captain!

So, me fellow buccaneers, don't be swayed by the words of them French naysayers. Give this film a chance, and ye'll find yerself laughin', cheerin', and maybe even singin' a sea shanty or two. Ridley Scott may not have won over them French critics, but he's won himself a place in the hearts of us pirate-loving scallywags!

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