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Arrr! A mighty swarm o' landlubbers flood London streets, united against Jew-hatin' and standin' firm fer Israel!


Avast ye scurvy scallywags! On the 26th day of November in the year 2023, a mighty horde o' 105,000 brave souls paraded through London, fierce as a tempest, protestin' against that vile scourge known as antisemitism! Blimey, 'tis been on the rise since them rascally Hamas-led rogues invaded Israel on the 7th day of October!

Over 100,000 people gathered in London for a march against antisemitism, making it one of the largest demonstrations of its kind since 1936. The protest comes as antisemitic incidents have been on the rise following the invasion of Israel by Hamas-led terrorists. In the month following the invasion, 1,124 antisemitic incidents were reported, representing a 500% surge compared to previous records. The National March Against Antisemitism was organized by the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) and drew a crowd of about 105,000 people, including former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis. Supporters waved Israeli and Union flags and carried signs with messages such as "Zero Tolerance for Antisemites" and "Never Again Is Now." The march started at the Royal Courts of Justice and ended at Parliament Square. One supporter described the protest as a "clash of cultures" and emphasized the peaceful and diverse nature of the gathering. During the march, the Chief Rabbi expressed gratitude to the supporters and emphasized the importance of drawing conclusions from historical facts rather than social media. Television mathematician Rachel Riley also addressed the crowd, highlighting the international nature of the fight against antisemitism. The CAA stated that this march was the largest gathering against antisemitism in London since the Battle of Cable Street in 1936. It was reported that English Defense League founder Tommy Robinson was not welcome at the march, and he was ultimately arrested to prevent disruption.

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