The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Gotham Awards 2023 be rousin' with the triumph o' 'Past Lives' and the fair Lily Gladstone! Huzzah!


Arr, the grand plunderin' o' movie prizes begins, with accolades bestowed upon th' A24 drama and th' swashbucklin' star o' "The Unknown Country" (known far 'n wide fer their bravado in "Killers of th' Flower Moon").

Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! The movie prize season be upon us, and the first to hoist the colors and claim the spoils be none other than the A24 drama. Aye, me mateys, this be a film worth its weight in doubloons! But that's not all, me buckos! The star o' "The Unknown Country" be walkin' the plank straight into the arms of victory, snatchin' up her share o' honors! She be better known for her role in "Killers of the Flower Moon," but it be clear that her talents be as vast as the seven seas!

With pistols crackin' and cannons roarin', the A24 drama be takin' the prize like a Spanish galleon plundered by a fearsome pirate crew. The critics be singin' its praises, and the audience be ravin' like a pack o' seadogs in a tavern brawl. It be a film that tugs at yer heartstrings, leavin' ye weepin' like a lonesome sailor lost at sea.

But let's not forget the fair maiden who be stealin' the spotlight faster than a scurvy dog swipin' a bone from the galley! She be the star o' "The Unknown Country," a title that be fittin' for her talent, for she be a true enigma, a treasure hidden in the depths. Aye, she be a siren callin' all eyes to her, while the other landlubbers be left in her wake.

Though she be known for her role in "Killers of the Flower Moon," it be clear that this lass be capable of much more. She be the jewel in the crown, the pearl in the oyster, and she be settin' her course for fame and glory like a true pirate settin' sail for treasure.

So, me hearties, batten down the hatches and prepare for a season filled with cheers and grog! The A24 drama and its mighty star be the ones kickin' off this wild ride, and the other scallywags best be ready to walk the plank and make way for their rightful place in the spotlight!

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