The Booty Report

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Arr! Measly deaths be risin' by 43%! The scurvy landlubbers need better doctorin' than that!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis no shock that the spread o' measles be increasin' with landlubbers denyin' the vaccination. So says a bloke from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Avast!

"Arr, mateys! I be tellin' ye a tale o' the rise in measles outbreaks and deaths, ye see. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they be sayin' that these outbreaks and deaths be no surprise, given the decline in vaccination rates, arr!

Now, ye may be wonderin' why this be happenin', me hearties. Well, it be all 'bout them scurvy landlubbers who be believin' in all sorts o' nonsense 'bout vaccines. They be fearin' them side effects, like a peg leg or a hook for a hand! But let me tell ye, these vaccines be savin' lives, not takin' 'em!

It be like this, ye see. Measles be a mighty dangerous disease, spreadin' faster than a pirate ship in full sail! And when ye don't be vaccinatin' against it, well, ye be puttin' yerself and others at risk. It be like lettin' a scurvy-ridden scallywag aboard yer ship, knowin' that he be spreadin' his disease to all ye crewmates!

So, me hearties, let's not be actin' like a bunch o' scurvy dogs! We be needin' to listen to the experts, like them good folks at the CDC, who be tellin' us to get vaccinated. It be the smart thing to do, ye savvy?

And let's not forget that these outbreaks and deaths be takin' us back to the days of Blackbeard, when diseases be ravagin' the high seas. We be thinkin' we be livin' in modern times, with all our fancy gadgets and treasure, but if we don't be protectin' ourselves against these diseases, then we be no better than them scallywags from centuries past!

So, me hearties, let's be smart and get vaccinated! Don't be lettin' the measles take ye down like a mighty kraken. It be time to fight like true pirates and protect ourselves and our crewmates from this deadly scourge!"

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