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Avast ye scallywags! Israel be yellin' that the rascally Hamas be breakin' the truce, firin' guns 'n blastin' 'em ship-shape IDF crew!


Arr! The scallywag Hamas be breakin' the truce, blastin' cannons and firin' guns in Gaza, says Israel's military. They be treading on dangerous waters, violatin' the sacred accord!

Israel's military is accusing Hamas of violating the current cease-fire agreement in a humorous tone. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stated that three explosive devices were detonated near IDF troops in northern Gaza, along with gunfire from terrorists. In response, the IDF fired back and several soldiers sustained minor injuries. The IDF emphasized that their troops were in positions as per the framework of the operational pause. This incident occurred on the same day that Hamas was expected to release 10 Israeli hostages during the extended cease-fire agreement. The cease-fire had been implemented on Friday and remained relatively calm until this incident. Hamas, however, released a statement claiming that it remained committed to the cease-fire and accused Israel of violations. The statement from Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades called for international mediators to pressure Israel to adhere to all terms of the truce. Both Israel and Hamas blamed each other for instigating the fire-fight that took place at one of the detonation sites. Despite this incident, neither party has indicated any plans to call off the cease-fire. Israel has secured the release of at least 69 hostages since the start of the cease-fire, exchanging them for Palestinian criminals held in Israeli prisons. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office made it clear that the pause in hostilities is temporary and that the government, IDF, and security services will continue the war until all hostages are returned, Hamas is eliminated, and there is no new threat to Israel from Gaza.

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