The Booty Report

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Kansans be loathin' their modern landlubber plate! Soon they'll be votin' fer a new, jollier ensign!


Arr, fer six days, ye scallywags from all sides of the deck and other landlubbers from Kansas didst vent their distaste fer what beest supposed to be the state's fresh license plate. Methinks the design be cursed by Davy Jones himself!

Arr, me hearties! For six long days, the politicians and good folk of Kansas didst voice their displeasure with what they called a scurvy excuse for a new license plate, mateys! Aye, ye heard it right - the landlubbers from both sides of the aisle couldn't agree on much, but they did unite in their disdain for this new piece of metal!

Now, ye might be wonderin' what set their peg legs stompin' and their eye patches twitchin'. Well, ye see, this here license plate had a design that made it look like an old treasure map straight from the days of me grandpappy, Blackbeard himself. But alas, the good folks of Kansas were not impressed. They didn't want their vehicles to be mistaken for pirate ships, no sir! And so, they shouted from the crow's nest and sent letters to the governor, demanding a change.

Politicians, bless their scurvy souls, took up the cause, each tryin' to outdo the other in their condemnation of this unfortunate design. They argued that the plate was an insult to the great state of Kansas, a mockery of its landlocked status. Why, some even suggested that it might attract real pirates to the region, searchin' for buried treasure! Aye, 'twas a whole lot of commotion over a wee piece of metal, indeed.

But fear not, me hearties, for the tale doth have a happy endin'! On the seventh day, the governor, heedin' the cries of his loyal subjects, decided to abandon the pirate theme and set sail for new horizons. A new design was chosen, one that pleased the landlubbers and scallywags alike. And so, the good folk of Kansas could once again affix a license plate to their trusty carriages without fear of bein' mistaken for buccaneers.

So there ye have it, me mateys - a tale of a license plate that caused more commotion than a shipload of plunder. It goes to show ye, never underestimate the power of a simple piece of metal to stir up a storm in the land of the Jayhawks. Fair winds to ye all!

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