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Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! DMARDs be linked to a decrease in the occurrence of thyroid disease, mateys!


In a mighty Swedish crew sufferin' from the dreaded rheumatoid arthritis, the cursed thyroid disease be less common after the diagnosis, 'specially amongst them scallywags treated with anti-rheumatic potions. Yo-ho-ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

In a study conducted on a group of Swedish individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, it was discovered that the occurrence of thyroid disease decreases after the diagnosis of RA. This decline in thyroid disease was found to be most prominent among those who were being treated with anti-rheumatic medications. The results of this study were reported by Medscape Medical News.

Arr! 'Tis a tale of the seven seas, me mateys! A group o' Swedish scallywags afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis were put under the microscope, and what d'ye think they found? The number of landlubbers in this cohort sufferin' from thyroid disease be droppin' like hats off the poop deck after their RA diagnosis!

And that ain't all, me hearties! The effect be even more powerful among the scurvy dogs who be takin' those anti-rheumatic drugs. It be like a shot from a cannon, makin' the odds of gettin' thyroid disease even lower! Har, har, har! Ain't that a jolly good time?

But don't ye worry, ye salty dogs! This be good news for ye! If ye be sufferin' from rheumatoid arthritis, ye be less likely to end up with thyroid disease. And if ye be takin' them fancy anti-rheumatic drugs, well, ye be even better off! It be like havin' a secret treasure map to good health! Ye'll be dancin' a jig and singin' shanties all the way to Davy Jones' locker!

So, me hearties, when ye be sailin' the treacherous waters of rheumatoid arthritis, keep ye chins up! There be hope on the horizon, and it be called a lower risk of thyroid disease. And if ye be takin' those anti-rheumatic drugs, well, ye be as lucky as findin' a chest full o' doubloons! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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