The Booty Report

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Arr! Me hearties, ye scurvy dog! Thar be no truth in that report! The UAE be denyin' it with all its might!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The UAE be vehemently denyin' the scurrilous BBC tale 'bout their plans t'seek business booty whilst hostin' the COP28 climate gabfest. Arrr, it be a tempestuous sea o' rumors, me hearties!

In a press conference held in Dubai, Sultan al-Jaber, the Emirati president-designate for the upcoming United Nations COP28 climate talks, vehemently denied allegations that his nation intended to use the summit as an opportunity to strike oil and gas deals. The claims were made in a BBC report that cited leaked briefing documents suggesting the Emirates planned to discuss energy deals with various countries. Al-Jaber, who is also the head of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Co., referred to the report as an attempt to undermine the work of the COP28 presidency. He categorically denied the allegations and emphasized the transparency and honesty with which the UAE intended to conduct the climate talks.

The BBC responded to the denial, stating that the investigation was conducted with the highest editorial standards and did not provide further details. In a bizarre turn of events, a fake news release was circulated, falsely claiming that al-Jaber had agreed to resign. COP28 organizers quickly confirmed the release was false, and al-Jaber would continue in his role.

Despite al-Jaber's extensive experience as a climate envoy and his significant contributions to renewable energy efforts in the UAE, activists remain critical of his selection as the COP28 president. The Emirates, while a key ally to the United States, is known for its tight control over speech and political activities.

The state-owned oil company ADNOC has plans to increase crude oil production, potentially emitting more carbon emissions. Al-Jaber, a trusted confidant of UAE leader Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, has been instrumental in investing billions of dollars in renewable energy projects in the country.

It is worth noting that due to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, US President Joe Biden will not attend COP28, with Vice President Kamala Harris taking his place.

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