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Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Mighty officials demand Israel protect them Gazans in the midst of fierce battle!


Avast, me hearties! The likes o' the Biden administration be prattlin' about limitin' harm to landlubber folk, while the scurvy dogs o' the Israeli navy be settin' their sights on the southern enclave. Arr, what a fine tale ye tell!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to the tale of the Biden administration and their fancy talk about limitin' civilian harm in the land of Israel. It seems that the Israeli military be turnin' its gaze towards the southern part of the enclave, and the folks in charge be feelin' the need to emphasize the importance of keepin' them civilians safe, ye see?

Now, ye might be wonderin' why this be a matter of concern for the Biden administration. Well, it be all about diplomacy, mateys! They be wantin' to show the world that they be standin' on the right side of the moral compass. They be sayin' that they be wantin' to protect innocent lives, and that be a noble cause indeed.

But let's be honest, lads and lasses. This be politics, and politicians be known for talkin' a good game. Whether they be deliverin' on their promises or not, well, that be a different story altogether. It be like a pirate promisin' to share his booty but endin' up keepin' it all for himself.

Now, I ain't sayin' that limitin' civilian harm be a bad thing. Not at all! Protectin' innocent lives be somethin' we all can agree on. But it be important to remember that war be a messy business, me hearties. It be like tryin' to sail through a storm without gettin' wet. It just ain't possible.

So, let's raise a mug of grog to the Biden administration and their fancy words. Only time will tell if they be able to turn their talk into action. Until then, let's keep an eye on the southern part of that Israeli enclave and hope that the civilians find some peace in these turbulent times. Yo-ho-ho!

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