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Arr, me hearties! This be a jolly review o' 'Origin': Th' Beginnin' o' Our Racist Ways.


Avast ye, me hearties! Ava DuVernay be settin' sail on a grand voyage with her latest moving picture, transformin' Isabel Wilkerson's tome "Caste" into a swashbucklin' tale. 'Tis a yarn where the scribe herself takes to the high seas, scrutinin' the wicked ways of oppression!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this here tale of the great filmmaker Ava DuVernay and her new swashbucklin' feature film. Now, this film be called "Caste," and it be based on a book by the name of Isabel Wilkerson. But don't ye be thinkin' it's just any ordinary film, for it be turnin' the journalist herself into a character!

Arr, me mateys! Imagine that – a journalist turned character, ready to set sail on a grand adventure to examine oppression. This be a tale worth tellin'! Now, ye might be wonderin' about this "Caste" thar, but fear not, for I shall shed some light on it. It be a book that delves into the very fabric of society, explorin' the divisions and inequalities that exist. And our trusty filmmaker, Ava DuVernay, she be takin' this here book and transformin' it into a visual masterpiece.

But let me tell ye, me hearties, this be no ordinary film. No, it be a humorous tale, filled with wit and charm. Picture this – a journalist in the 17th century, speakin' like a pirate! It be a sight to behold. And as this journalist-turned-character sets sail, she be uncoverin' the hidden truths of oppression, makin' us all think and reflect.

So there ye have it, me hearties! Ava DuVernay be bringin' us a film that be turnin' the tables and makin' a journalist into a swashbucklin' character. "Caste" be a tale of adventure and exploration, with a touch of humor and a lot of heart. It be a film that be pushin' boundaries and makin' us question the world we live in. So hoist the anchor and set sail, me hearties, for this be a journey ye won't want to miss!

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