The Booty Report

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Hark ye, mateys! Them lawmakers be urg'n the Biden crew to tighten the grip on China's tech treasure! Arrr!


Arr, ye scurvy Republican dogs be claimin' that the likes o' Biden's crew be ill-prepared and lackin' the will to engage in a tech battle with the likes o' Beijing.

Arr, me mateys! Listen ye well, for I bring ye news from the land of politics in the year of our Lord 2021. It be said that them Republican legislators be raisin' a mighty fuss 'bout the Biden administration and its lack o' skills and spirit in the battle of technology against the dreaded Beijing! Aye, they be claimin' that Biden and his crew be ill-equipped and unmotivated in this fight.

Now, I don't be knowin' why they be speakin' like sailors, but 'tis the way of the politicians, I suppose. They be pointin' fingers at the administration, sayin' they ain't doin' enough to keep up with the crafty ways of the Chinese. They be sayin' that ol' Biden and his crew don't know how to navigate the treacherous waters o' technology.

But let me tell ye, me hearties, 'tis a fight like no other! The battle o' technology be a fierce one, with Beijing bein' a formidable foe. The Republicans be claimin' that the administration ain't givin' it their all, that they be lackin' the motivation to go head to head with the Chinese. They be sayin' that Biden's crew be slackin' in their duties, not takin' this fight seriously enough.

Now, whether or not ye believe these scallywags be true, I cannot say. 'Tis a matter for ye to decide. But I can tell ye this, me hearties, the battle o' technology be a tricky one indeed. It requires skill, determination, and a whole lot o' know-how. So, whether it be the Biden administration or the Republicans, may they find their sea legs and steer us to victory in this technology fight against Beijing!

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