The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Beware, for the landlubbin' Japanese folk be warned of dead fish floodin' their beaches!


Arrr! Me hearties, be listenin' to this here tale! 'Tis a right peculiar sight in northern Japan, where a mighty sea o' dead sardines, weighin' a thousand tons, be washin' up on yonder beach. Aye, 'twas a Thursday when this madness befell, leavin' the shore smothered in these fishy creatures!

Avast ye mateys! Thousands of tons of dead sardines be washin' up on a beach in northern Japan! Arrr, the officials be scratchin' their heads tryin' t' figure out why this be happenin'.
It be a sight to behold! These sardines and some mackerels, they be washin' up ashore in Hakodate on Hokkaido, the northernmost island in Japan. The beach be covered in a slimy layer o' fish for 'bout 0.6 mile, arrr!
Local residents be sayin' they never seen anythin' like this before. Some be gatherin' the fish, mayhaps t' sell or feast upon. But hold yer horses, the town be advisin' against eatin' these fish, ye don't know what troubles they carry!
Now, there be a researcher by the name of Takashi Fujioka from the Hakodate Fisheries Research Institute, and he be sayin' he's heard of similar happenin's, but never laid eyes on it before. He be thinkin' that these fish may have been chased by bigger fish, got weary sailin' in dense schools, and be washed up by the waves. Or, they may have sailed into chilly waters durin' their migration, he said.
Arrr, but it be not just Japan that be experiencin' this strange phenomenon! Over in Texas, the Gulf Coast be covered in dead menhaden fish! And in California State Park, there be a rare fish washin' up ashore from thousands of feet under the ocean! What be goin' on, I wonder?
Fujioka be warnin' us, me hearties! These decomposin' fish, they be messin' with the oxygen levels in the water, affectin' the marine environment. So, he be sayin', "We don't rightly know why these fish be washin' up, so I'd advise against eatin' 'em, mateys!"

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