The Booty Report

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"Sailin' Across the Icy Plains, and More Kiddies' Tales to Stream Whilst Sippin' From the Grog."


Arrr, me hearties! This month's treasures be fit for the jolly season, with a new chapter from the "Diary of a Wimpy Lad" tales and a swashbucklin' remake of "The Velveteen Hare." Avast ye and seek these delights, ye landlubbers!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and hear the tale of this month's picks fit for a jolly holiday season! The first treasure we be findin' on our voyage is none other than an installment of the famous "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" franchise. Avast ye, me mateys, for Greg Heffley be returnin' with his shenanigans and misadventures. 'Tis a tale sure to bring laughter to even the hardest of pirate hearts!

But that be not all, me hearties! We have another gem in our hands. 'Tis a remake of a classic tale, none other than "The Velveteen Rabbit." Me thinks this be a tale that will warm even the coldest of pirate souls. 'Tis a heartwarming story of a toy rabbit and his journey to become real. Aye, me mateys, 'tis a tale that reminds us all of the magic of the holiday season.

So gather 'round, me hearties, and let us set sail on a journey full of laughter and joy. These picks be fit for a pirate crew lookin' for a good time. Whether ye be a scurvy pirate or a landlubber, these tales be sure to tickle yer funny bone and warm yer heart. 'Tis a rare treat to find such treasures during this festive time of year.

So, me hearties, grab a mug o' grog, put on yer finest pirate hat, and sit back to enjoy these tales of wimpy kids and velveteen rabbits. 'Tis a merry time we be havin', and these picks be the perfect addition to our holiday plunder. Arrr, me mateys, let the laughter and cheer fill the air as we embark on this jolly adventure!

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