The Booty Report

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Yarr, that scurvy 'Florida Joker', reckonin' he's mockin' him, seeks a chest o' $1-2m from Rockstar Games!


Avast ye scallywags! Ye've pilfered me visage, ye've pilfered me very essence! Yarr, I be left ragged, bereft of me identity. Ye be cursed, ye thievin' scoundrels!

Arr, mateys! Listen to me tale of woe, for I be a pirate wronged in the most grievous manner! 'Twas a sunny day on the high seas when I discovered that scallywags had taken my likeness and me very life! Aye, 'twas a shock to me senses, it was!

Picture me surprise when I laid me eyes upon a portrait of meself, a perfect replica of me rugged pirate visage! 'Twas as if I be staring into a cursed mirror! How dare they capture me rugged handsomeness without me consent! 'Tis an affront to pirate etiquette!

But 'twas not just me likeness they stole, oh no! They pilfered me very life, me essence! For ye see, dear mates, they fabricated tales and spread 'em all around, claiming to be the true pirate captain, when 'twas I who sailed the seas with me loyal crew!

Arr, the audacity of these landlubbers! They be gallivanting around, pretending to be me, enjoying the spoils of me adventures! Surely, they must be jesters of the highest order, for no true pirate can be swayed by their pathetic attempts at impersonation!

But fret not, me hearties, for I be plotting me revenge! I shall make them walk the plank and send 'em to Davy Jones' locker, where they belong! No scoundrel shall steal me likeness and me life and get away with it!

So, ye scurvy dogs who dare take what be rightfully mine, be warned! I be a pirate with a sense of humor, but I won't be trifled with! Prepare to face the wrath of a true buccaneer, for I shall defend me honor and reclaim what be mine: me likeness and me life!

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