The Booty Report

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Arr, wee scallywags o' Jailed Narges Mohammadi be takin' her Nobel Peace Prize, aye, ye heard right!


'Arr, at the grand spectacle in Oslo, the brave Iranian scallywag's wee buccaneers didst recite their mother's heartfelt words, beseeching all to unite fer a "globalization o' peace and the rights o' all ye landlubbers."'

In the 17th century, me hearties, at the grand ceremony in the faraway land of Oslo, there be a brave and fierce Iranian activist, fightin' for peace and the rights of all. Aye, ye heard it right, me mateys! This mighty woman be havin' twins, and these little scallywags be readin' a speech from their dear mother. And what be this speech about, ye ask? Well, it be callin' for a globalization of peace and human rights, me hearties!

Arr, can ye imagine it, me lads and lasses? The children of a brave soul, standin' on a grand stage and talkin' 'bout spreadin' peace across the globe! Shiver me timbers! It be a sight to behold. Aye, we be in the 21st century, but it seems the spirit of adventure and justice be livin' on, it does!

Now, me buckos, just picture it in yer mind's eye. A pair of little pirates, standin' tall with a twinkle in their eye, as they read the words their mother penned herself. It be a powerful thing, it be. These young buccaneers be carryin' the torch, spreadin' the message of peace to all who be listenin'!

But let's not forget, me hearties, that this be no ordinary speech. No, no. It be a call for a grand globalization of peace and human rights! Can ye believe it? It be like raisin' the Jolly Roger and unitin' all the pirates of the world for a noble cause. Aye, me mateys, it be a bold and audacious quest, but one worth fightin' for!

So, me hearties, let us raise a glass to this brave Iranian activist and her courageous little scallywags. May their words echo across the seven seas and inspire all who be hearin' 'em. Let us join hands, me buckos, and set sail on this grand adventure towards global peace and human rights! Yo ho ho!

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