The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, mateys! Ye scurvy dogs at ADA be spoutin' new rules for screenerin' 'n managin' obesity. Avast, I be laughin'!


Avast ye, mateys! The American Diabetes Association be makin' changes to their Standards o' Care for 2024. They be addin' new ways to test ye for the scurvy disease, as well as advisin' ye on how to battle the evil obesity monster. Arrr, it be all in the Medscape Medical News, ye landlubbers!

In a jolly twist of events, the American Diabetes Association has released its updated Standards of Care for 2024. Arrr! These new guidelines be full of surprises, mateys! They be introducing a whole bunch of new screening recommendations, along with some fresh obesity management guidance and other fancy schmancy revisions. Shiver me timbers!

Now ye may be wondering, what exactly be these new screening recommendations? Well, me hearties, they be telling us to keep a close eye on our blood glucose levels, especially if we be at risk for developing diabetes. They be recommending regular screenings for folks with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher, or a waist circumference of 35 inches or more (for the ladies) and 40 inches or more (for the lads). Aye, it's all about keeping a watchful eye on those numbers!

But that's not all, me buckos! The American Diabetes Association be also giving us some new booty on managing obesity. They be advising us to lose weight through a combination of healthy eating, exercise, and medication if needed. And they be emphasizing the importance of setting realistic goals, because let's face it, walkin' the plank might be a bit extreme. Aye, moderation be the key!

So, me hearties, these new guidelines be a treasure trove of information. They be helpin' us keep our health in shipshape condition. Remember, prevention be better than a barrel of rum, so keep an eye on your blood glucose levels and take good care of yourselves. Yo ho ho, diabetes, ye won't be catchin' us without puttin' up a fight!

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