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Arr, UK Cap'n Rishi Sunak be facin' a right perilous vote on 'is toughest scallywag-ery legislation against smugglers!"


Arr, me hearties! The British Cap'n, Rishi Sunak, be facin' a mighty vote in the House o' Commons fer his scandalous immigration plan! He be aimin' to send them asylum-seekin' landlubbers to Rwanda, but the sea dogs be squawkin' like parrots!

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is facing a crucial vote in the House of Commons on his immigration policy. The bill, known as the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill, aims to revive a plan to send asylum-seekers to Rwanda, which was previously ruled illegal by the UK Supreme Court. Despite his Conservative party's substantial majority, Sunak is facing opposition from hard-liners within his own party who believe the bill does not go far enough to deport migrants without permission. If fewer than 30 Conservatives vote against the bill, it could be defeated. Sunak is so concerned about the outcome that he invited party hard-liners to a breakfast meeting in Downing Street to persuade them to support the bill. The bill is part of Sunak's promise to "stop the boats" and reduce unauthorized migrants crossing the English Channel from France. The plan has faced multiple legal challenges and was ruled illegal by the Supreme Court, but the government argues that a treaty with Rwanda allows them to declare it a safe destination. Critics, including human rights groups, argue that sending asylum-seekers to Rwanda is unethical and deprives them of their human rights. Defeat on Tuesday's vote could lead to calls for a change of leader within the Conservative party. Removing Sunak would be the third change in prime minister since the last election in 2019.

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