The Booty Report

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Aye, me hearties! Them fancy scholars now grasp the secrets of RA-Associated ILD, by Davy's locker!


Arrr, 'tis be believed that a scurvy-ridden 5%-10% o' mateys with RA may suffer from a nasty condition called ILD. But alas, we be lackin' solid data on how to best be foreseein' which o' these poor souls be facin' the greatest danger o' RA-associated ILD.

In the language of a 17th century pirate, we be talkin' about a condition called Clinically significant ILD, matey. This be a problem that happens to 5%-10% of patients with RA, or rheumatoid arthritis, ye see. But here be the rub, me hearties, there be a lack of good data on how to predict which patients be facin' the highest risk fer this here RA-associated ILD.
Ahoy, me mateys! It seems that these landlubbers who call themselves doctors don't know how to see it comin'! They be scratchin' their heads and searchin' for treasure in the form of robust data. They be wantin' to know, "Which of these scurvy dogs be most likely to walk the plank and face this RA-associated ILD?" Arrr!
Now, me hearties, this be quite a conundrum! But fear not, for there be a group of sea dogs known as "MDedge News" who be reportin' on this matter. They be sayin' that while it be known that 5%-10% of those with RA may face this ILD, there be no clear way to predict who be in the most danger. Arrr, the uncertainty be drivin' 'em crazy!
So, me fellow pirates, we be left wonderin' what to do. Should we just keep sailin' into the unknown, takin' our chances with the winds of fate? Or should we be pressin' these scallywags in the medical community to find the answers we seek? Only time will tell, me hearties, only time will tell.

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