The Booty Report

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Arrr, Microsoft be bringin' the mighty Copilot AI to Windows 10, matey! But beware, thar be reasons ye might not be wantin' it.


Arr, landlubbers! Microsoft's AI matey be now sailin' on Windows 10, but alas, not all ye scallywags be lucky enough to lay yer eyes on 'er.

Windows 10 has received an update that includes the new Copilot AI assistant. However, the rollout of Copilot is limited initially and will be expanded in the coming months. Some users may not see the Copilot icon on their taskbar after installing the update, which could be due to an interface issue for those who have moved their taskbar to the side of the screen instead of the bottom.
If you do see the Copilot icon and don't want the AI assistant on your desktop, you can right-click to disable it. The December update for Windows 10 also introduces other features, including expanding the News & Interests panel and offering the option to get the latest updates as soon as they are available.
However, there is a workaround provided by Microsoft for the taskbar issue. Users can move their taskbar back to the bottom or top of the screen. This may inconvenience those who have customized their desktop with a vertical taskbar, but Microsoft is working on resolving this problem.
Windows 11 does not have this taskbar issue because it does not allow users to move the taskbar away from the bottom of the desktop. Currently, Copilot is in a limited rollout and may take some time to reach all Windows 10 PCs. The AI assistant is still in its early stages and offers limited functionality, but its capabilities will be expanded over time.
Overall, the update brings some new features and improvements to Windows 10, with Copilot being the main highlight. Despite the taskbar complication, users can still enjoy the benefits of the update and look forward to the further development of Copilot.

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