Arrr! Ye Satanic Temple cap'n be callin' out yon 'lil coward DeSantis fer a debate o'er their tax exemption!
Arr, ye scurvy dog Lucien Greaves be givin' a mighty roar to Gov. Ron DeSantis, a seaweed-suckin' landlubber. The bilge rat claimed that our Satanic Temple got tax-exempt status from that scallywag Trump. Aye, ye be talkin' through yer cap'n's hat, ye landlubber!
In a humorous tone reminiscent of a 17th-century pirate, the co-founder of the Satanic Temple, Lucien Greaves, has fired back at GOP presidential candidate Gov. Ron DeSantis. DeSantis had claimed that it was former President Trump's fault that the Satanic Temple received tax-exempt status. However, Greaves dismissed this assertion, stating that Trump had no involvement in the group's legitimacy.Greaves went even further, challenging DeSantis to a one-on-one debate on the subject and accusing him of being a coward for his recent remarks about the Satanic Temple. The religious group has been making headlines recently, including placing a controversial statue of a ram draped in red clothing in the Iowa State Capitol. Greaves defended the move, arguing that it was a matter of religious freedom.
Gov. Kim Reynolds of Iowa faced criticism for not stopping the placement of the statue, although she defended it as an exercise of free speech. However, an outraged Christian man named Michael Cassidy destroyed the statue, resulting in criminal charges against him.
During a CNN Town Hall, DeSantis blamed Trump for the display, claiming that it was the Trump administration's approval that allowed the Satanic Temple's tax-exempt status. Greaves refuted this assessment, emphasizing that the temple's rights were not granted by any politician or group.
Greaves criticized DeSantis further, challenging him to a debate and accusing him of playing ignorant and appealing to people's fears. In response to Greaves' statements, DeSantis' press secretary directed attention to a tweet that highlighted the IRS's connection to the executive branch, suggesting that Trump was indeed involved in the Satanic Temple's tax-exempt status.
Overall, Greaves' humorous and assertive response to DeSantis showcases the ongoing controversy surrounding the Satanic Temple and its fight for recognition as a religious group.