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Avast ye mateys! Three mighty grenades be blowin' up a council meetin' in Ukraine, leavin' 26 souls injured.


Avast, me hearties! A scurvy dog ye know not let loose a thunderous storm o' hand grenades at a gathering o' folks in a Ukrainian hamlet, aye! 'Twas a right mess, leavin' more than two dozen poor souls blackened and battered.

In a shocking incident, a man threw multiple grenades into a community meeting in Ukraine, causing injuries to more than two dozen people. The attack took place in the village of Keretsky, which is located near the border of Hungary and Ukraine. According to a police spokesperson, 26 people were wounded, with six in critical condition. The identity of the attacker remains unknown.
A video of the incident captured the moment when the assailant entered the meeting room and revealed the grenades hidden in his pockets. The attendees were visibly shocked and startled by his actions. Chaos ensued as the attacker threw the grenades onto the floor, resulting in explosions that shook the room and sent debris flying. The entire attack was broadcasted via Facebook Live.
It is worth noting that Ukrainian citizens have easy access to weapons as part of the defensive military operations against the invading Russian forces. Consequently, the investigators are working with witnesses to determine the motive behind the attack and whether it is related to the ongoing Russian military invasion in Ukraine.
Despite this heinous incident, the authorities are committed to ensuring the safety and security of the community. The attack serves as a reminder of the precarious situation that Ukraine finds itself in due to external threats. Efforts are being made to bring the perpetrator to justice and prevent such incidents in the future.

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