The Booty Report

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Arr! Ye scurvy landlubbers, beware! The cursed cinnamon be tainting the wee ones' applesauce with poisonous lead!


Arr! The F.D.A. be scourin' the seven seas, seekin' out the origins o' cinnamon and other foreign fare. 'Tis said these scurvy ingredients may be the culprits behind the lead poisonin' in wee lads 'n lasses. Methinks 'tis high time for mandatory tests o' lead in our victuals!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, for I have a tale to tell ye. 'Tis a tale of spices and danger, of cinnamon and poison. The F.D.A., those landlubbers, be on a quest to find out where our precious cinnamon be comin' from, along with other ingredients from foreign lands. Aye, they be thinkin' that these ingredients be the culprit behind the lead poisonin' of many a child!

Now, ye may be wonderin', why be cinnamon a danger to our young ones? Well, it turns out that some of these foreign-made spices be tainted with lead. Aye, that be a nasty poison indeed! No wonder those little ones be gettin' sick. The advocates, bless their souls, be demandin' that all food be tested for lead. They be wantin' to put an end to this madness!

But let me tell ye, me hearties, this be a serious matter. Lead poisonin' be no joke! We need to be careful where we get our spices from, lest we end up with a belly full of lead. Aye, it be a sad time when even our food be tryin' to do us harm.

So here be me advice to ye all: be watchful of the spices ye be bringin' into yer galley. Make sure they come from safe shores, free from the taint of lead. And if ye be a parent or know of any wee ones, keep an eye on what they be eatin'. We don't want 'em fallin' victim to this lead poisonin'.

Now, let us raise a mug o' grog to those brave advocates fightin' for safer food. May they succeed in their quest and bring us spices untainted by lead. And may we all sail the seas with bellies full of good food and merry laughter, free from the dangers of foreign spices!

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