The Booty Report

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Arr, Mexico's scurvy health department be shutterin' the foul melon-packing den tied to a perilous salmonella blight!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Mexico's Health Department hath closed a Sonora melon-packaging den on Friday, for 'twas involved in a terrible salmonella outbreak that hath sent at least eight souls to Davy Jones' Locker!

Mexico's Health Department has ordered the temporary closure of a melon-packing plant in Sonora, Mexico, following a salmonella outbreak that has resulted in several deaths in both Canada and the United States. Although the company responsible was not named by the department, Canada's Public Health Agency has linked the outbreak to Malichita and Rudy brand cantaloupes. It is unclear what violations were found at the plant, but testing is underway to determine the source of the contamination. Inspectors have collected samples of water and surfaces at the plant to search for traces of salmonella bacteria.

Since October, over 230 people in the United States and 129 in Canada have fallen ill due to this outbreak. The affected cantaloupes were imported into the United States by Sofia Produce LLC, based in Nogales, Arizona, and Pacific Trellis Fruit LLC, located in Los Angeles. These companies have recalled more than 36,000 boxes of cantaloupe so far. Health officials are urging consumers, retailers, and restaurants to avoid purchasing, consuming, or serving cantaloupes if they are unsure of the source.

The closure of the melon-packing plant serves as a precautionary measure to prevent further spread of salmonella infections. The outbreak has caused concern among health authorities and serves as a wake-up call for the need for stricter food safety regulations. The investigation into the source of the contamination continues, and it is crucial for the public to heed the warnings and avoid consuming potentially contaminated cantaloupes.

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