Arrr! Avast, mateys! 'Tis a tale o' Senate scandal! A scurvy knave on the Congress ship caught in a leaked video, facin' charges, says the lawyer!
Arr, me hearties! A scallywag lawyer be sayin' that the bilge rat who filmed a saucy tape in a Senate hearin' room may face charges, but it all be hangin' on a few factors. Time to batten down the hatches, mateys!
An alleged congressional staffer could face criminal charges after filming an explicit sex tape inside a Senate hearing room, according to one lawyer. The U.S. Capitol Police are aware of the amateur pornographic video published by the Daily Caller, which shows someone identified as a congressional staffer engaging in sex with another man in a room in the Hart Senate Office Building. The video was leaked after being shared in a private group for gay men in politics, but the men's identities have not been confirmed.Social media posts claimed that the alleged staffer worked for Sen. Ben Cardin's office. Cardin's office announced the dismissal of a legislative aide but did not address the reports linking a member of staff to the sex tape. Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley, an attorney and professor, discussed possible charges that could be brought in a blog post. Turley questioned whether the unofficial use of the hearing room would constitute trespass and suggested that charges falling under D.C. code section 22-1312, which addresses lewd, indecent, or obscene acts, could also apply.
Turley also mentioned 18 U.S.C. 641, which deals with the improper use of public money, property, or records. The Capitol police could argue that the use of the hearing room for personal purposes constitutes purloining or using government property. Additionally, Turley raised the question of whether a locked Senate committee room is considered "in public" and whether the intent to publish or show the video would have any bearing on potential charges.
The U.S. Capitol Police are currently looking into the matter.