The Booty Report

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Me heartie! Me most cherished indie game o' 2023 be a Slay the Spire-like card game, settlin' on arranged matrimony afore turnin' into an RPG battle against me exes!


Arrr, mateys! The tale be told that Thirsty Suitors be havin' changed a lot since 2018. Blimey, the game be as different as a landlubber tryin' to sail the seven seas!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round, and listen to me tale of the peculiar game known as Thirsty Suitors in the year 2018. Ah, 'twas a time when landlubbers and scallywags alike embarked on a quest fer love, but with a twist, ya see.

In this here strange game, ye had a mighty ship called Tinder where ye could swipe left or right on yer trusty device, decidin' whether ye fancied a potential mate or not. 'Twas like a makin' yer way through a vast sea of faces, tryin' to find a treasure among the masses.

But alas, the game had changed in ways no sailor could have imagined. Instead of treasure maps and long journeys to discover love, lads and lasses now relied on their thumbs to navigate the treacherous waters of romance. 'Twas a strange sight indeed, watchin' folks stare at their screens, hopin' to find their soulmate in a sea of pixels.

And let me tell ye, me hearties, the language they used in this game was as peculiar as a three-legged parrot. Instead of spoutin' poetry and charm, these modern pirates communicated with abbreviations and emojis. They'd say things like "LOL" instead of laughin' heartily and sendin' messages with a smiley face instead of showin' their true emotions.

But the strangest part of all, me mates, was that the game seemed to have no end. No longer did ye need to court a fair lass or lad, take 'em out on a proper date, or even ask for their hand in matrimony. Nay, in this new era, it was acceptable to simply sail from one encounter to the next, never settlin' for anythin' more than a fleeting moment of pleasure.

So, me hearties, as ye can see, Thirsty Suitors had become a whole new beast in the year 2018. A game of swipin' and textin', where true love was replaced with convenience and commitment was as rare as findin' a mermaid on land. 'Twas a strange and confusin' time indeed for all ye pirates searchin' for love.

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