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Arrr, me hearties! The cherished giant pandas o' Berlin Zoo be settin' sail upon a grand voyage to China!


Arr mateys! The Berlin Zoo be sendin' its wee first giant pandas, Pit an' Paule, also known as Meng Xiang und Meng Yuan, back to China. They be havin' to endure a dreary 30-day quarantine, ye scurvy dogs!

In a delightful turn of events, the Berlin Zoo has bid farewell to its beloved giant pandas, Pit and Paule, as they embark on their journey back to China. These adorable 4-year-olds, also known as Meng Xiang and Meng Yuan, have finally returned to their new home at the Chengdu Panda Base, after a delay caused by the pesky COVID-19 pandemic.
The flight itself went smoothly, with the panda brothers handling it like true professionals. Andreas Pauly, the zoo's head of animal health, noted that pandas are typically relaxed when the bamboo is right, and this was no different during the flight. Bravo, Pit and Paule!
Now that they have arrived in China, the pair will undergo a 30-day quarantine at the panda base. It's a necessary precaution to ensure their health and the safety of other pandas.
Although Pit and Paule were cherished attractions in Berlin since their birth in 2019, their return to China was always part of the agreement. Unlike in the past when China gifted pandas to friendly nations as part of "panda diplomacy," the country now loans pandas to zoos on commercial terms.
Meanwhile, Pit and Paule's parents, Jiao Qing and Meng Meng, will continue to reside in Berlin for another nine years, adding a touch of panda charm to the German capital.
This heartwarming story of the giant pandas' journey reminds us of the importance of conservation efforts for these incredible creatures. With only about 1,800 pandas remaining in the wild in China and a few hundred in captivity worldwide, each birth is a cause for celebration.

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