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Arr, ye scurvy Albanian lawmakers be plannin' to pillage ex-PM Berisha o' his prosecutorial immunity!


Avast ye scallywags! Albania's Parliament be overrun by a horde o' landlubber protesters on Monday, as the nation's Socialist government be ponderin' takin' away the legal immunity of that scurvy dog, Sali Berisha, a center-right opposition politician!

Supporters of Albania's opposition Democratic Party staged a protest against the government as a parliamentary commission discussed whether to remove the immunity from prosecution of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, who is also the party leader. Prosecutors had requested the removal of Berisha's immunity because he failed to comply with an order to report to them every two weeks and refrain from traveling abroad while being investigated for corruption. The Parliament building was surrounded by police officers during the commission's discussions, and the protest ended peacefully after 80 minutes, with only a few flares being seen.

All six members of the immunity commission, including one from an opposition group, voted in favor of putting Berisha's case to a parliamentary vote. It is expected that the full Parliament will vote on Thursday to allow prosecutors to put Berisha under arrest or house arrest. Berisha called on his supporters to demonstrate again on Thursday and every following week in front of the Parliament.

Berisha, who was charged with corruption in October, denies the allegations and claims that the case is a political move by the ruling Socialist Party. He argues that the demands for him to report regularly and remain in Albania are unconstitutional. The disruptions caused by the Democratic Party lawmakers during voting sessions have hindered much-needed reforms in the country, particularly as Albania aims to harmonize its laws with those of the European Union. Berisha served as prime minister from 2005 to 2013 and as president from 1992 to 1997.

The United States and the United Kingdom have barred Berisha and his close family members from entering their countries due to alleged involvement in corruption.

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